Dating Coach Renee Piane
Contact Renee Piane
Renee Piane Enterprises LLC
PO Box 9111
Phone: (310) 827-1100 (In CA)
Fax: (310) 496-0940 (866)
A Foreign Affair is proud to welcome Renee Piane, the Love Designer and Relationship Reinvention specialist to our team. With over 20 years of experience in the Dating Industry, and recently voted Top International Dating Coach, Renee provides a very personalized and customized approach to relationship coaching to help detect the real obstacles blocking you from finding your true match.
“Love Tune Up” from Renee Piane, The Love Designer DOWNLOAD HERE
Renee is not only a widely acclaimed and sought-after inspirational speaker, TV celebrity, she is a published author of two books offering insightful date coaching; Love Mechanics (for men only) and Get Real about Love- The Secrets to Opening Your Heart & Finding True Love ( for both genders).
Must Read Books By Renee PianeHer work has been featured in over 75 TV and radio shows and publications including: CNN, NBC, ABC, The Today Show, MTV, CMT, Lifetime, KROQ, KISS. As a dating coach, Renee was featured in The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Cosmo, Men's Health, The Huffington Post and many more. Renee was listed in The Wall Street Journal as one of the 8 resources for single men in America.
She offers life changing private coaching, image makeovers and confidence building skills for singles in all phases of relationships. Her coaching, tune up classes, amazing resources helps our clients prepare for their trips and achieve success. She has matched thousands of people internationally and love to help people find their match by preparing them from the inside-out. Renee uses her skills as a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and healer of the heart, along with her 20 years of experience in the love industry. Renee also hosts a podcast on Itunes entitled, Love Mechanics, which is followed and listened to by thousands of people; so tune in!
Renee is truly an inspirational dating coach and mentor for people who are looking for love, healing a broken heart or want to reignite the passion in their existing relationships. Her specialties are helping people to get back in the game of love with her passion and years of experience. Renee has been happily married to the man of her dreams for 10 years and they live with their adorable dog Buddy, in Marina Del Rey California.
She has changed thousands of lives for the better. Now it's your turn to GET Real about LOVE!
Visit Renee's site at
Renee Piane is not only the best dating coach, she is the best overall consultant I have ever worked with in any field.
Renee knows the subject of dating thoroughly - and she knows every subject related to dating. She is at the top of her game.
Renee is a master at pinpointing areas in her clients that need attention. She can assess situations with the rapidity of a heat-seeking missile. And although she pulls no punches, she also communicates with dignity and compassion.
She gives the impression of being completely dedicated to her work. She is quick to respond and gives, gives, gives to her clients. She is one of those rare birds who undersells and over delivers.
Paul Parks