Dr Phil Mail Order Brides

John & Tanya Adams as experts on The Dr. Phil Show
Febuary 16, 2011
First I want to thank the hundreds of you that E-mailed us about participating on the Dr. Phil show. I wish all of you could have participated as I am sure we would have had some positive and insightful input.
The main reason we agree to do shows such as the Dr. Phil show is to shed as much light on the International introduction arena as possible and try to fight the stigma that seems to be stubbornly resistant despite all the positive facts and thousands of success stories to the contrary.
I wanted to share a little of our experience as experts on the Dr. Phil show. The producer reached out to us because they wanted a balanced show with experts in the industry sharing their insight. Tanya and I were the two experts they chose. Both of us have over 15 years experience in the industry and are responsible for thousands of marriages.
We have appeared on dozens of radio and talk shows over the years and I must say that working with Dr. Phil's staff was an unexpected treat, they were top notch! Dr. Phil himself was really a pleasure to meet, I was proud to shake his hand. I felt that he sincerely tried to understand how this all worked without taking a stance one way or another. He was patient with the guests, (even those who were trying a bit too hard) and offered some very sound and reasonable advice. The most surprising thing for me was how non-judgmental he was, it was a pleasure to watch him.
I will say that the guests that did appear were rather extreme and somewhat exaggerated. I did not feel they represented the average participant, either male or female. I do understand this is a talk show whose premise is conflict, without conflict there would be no reason for Dr. Phil and his advice. What I fear that may get lost in the show is the fact that the majority of the men and women who use the service do not have any major conflicts that would motivate them to appear on a national TV show such as Dr. Phil. Most will experience issues or problems, I don't know a couple that doesn't, but most work it out themselves and live a rather happy, normal existence.
Another issue that concerned me was that some of the male guests were making sweeping, all-inclusive negative statements concerning American women as to why they were searching internationally. I have been doing this for over 16 years and I will tell you that the majority of men I speak with will date American women as well as foreign women and use this service as an option to meet even more women from diverse backgrounds. You cannot lump all American women together just like you cannot lump all foreign women together, it all depends on the person, doesn't matter if she is from Russia, America, or Mars. There are general cultural differences, but it still comes down to the individual. Our site is not about bashing American women and I could understand some of the women's comments from the audience regarding that issue. Again, as I said earlier, I feel that the men and the women appearing were the extreme and they were even exaggerated.
All in all it was an interesting and somewhat enlightening experience, and I am looking forward to see the show. We do not know when it is going to air but as soon as we know we will let you know.
Thank you again for your participation and your interest,
John Adams
A Foreign Affair